Fertility Treatments: Is It Company Business?
What once was taboo and a well-kept secret, revealing fertility treatment and pregnancy news is now a company business — with no days off.
Staff members are quick to reveal pregnancies within the early weeks, while others are finding comfort in managers and supervisors throughout their emotional IVF journey. Some are even flagging the dates of embryo transfers on the company calendar. It’s a behavior we haven’t seen before.
Not everyone has let loose on the notion of exposing their secrets, but it seems most are tired of hiding the appointments, the excitement, the stress, and of course — the baby bumps.
No Draw Back in Sharing IVF News
Rebecca Grubman is the perfect example of tell-all fertility news. When realized she had diminished fertility, she relayed the diagnosis to her CEO and requested two months of unpaid leave to freeze embryos. The 34-year-old says she realized her colleagues with children had been asking for flexibility and carving out time for household, so shouldn’t she get the same flexibility?
“I didn’t really feel like there can be any draw back to sharing what’s occurring,” stated Ms. Grubman.
More and more women are now openly speaking about fertility issues at work and truly find great compassion amongst their colleagues. If you want to share the news, it’s important to take into consideration what you need and how you will approach your colleagues. And, it’s also normal to remain quiet.
PureOvum wants women to understand it is a personal choice. However, there are plenty of advantages to sharing — combating stigma, educating others about fertility and infertility, finding comfort from other who have had similar situations, learning more about IVF, and gaining the help of colleagues.
Sharing Fertility News with Colleagues
There is the added stress of work, but there is also added pressure of privately juggling doctor appointments, medication, IVF, and procedures.
You may worry about your colleagues or manager questioning your commitment or productivity if your schedule starts to seem erratic or if you consistently step outside to take a private call.
And with all of this, there is the emotional part of infertility that cannot be overlooked. Fertility treatments can cause distraction, irritability, and perhaps a little less optimism than usual.
Chances are, you’ve wrestled with each of these aspects of balancing work and your fertility journey at one point or another. What are your thoughts on sharing fertility or pregnancy news with company colleagues? Is it truly company business? Share your thoughts with PureOvum.